At Old Buckenham Primary School we take safeguarding and child protection very seriously.
Using the Norfolk training materials, staff agreed that safeguarding is about:
- child protection
- a listening school
- health and safety
- governance
- whistle-blowing
- staff recruitment
- staff codes of conduct
- the school building
- the school curriculum, including internet safety
- SEND and inclusion
- attendance and punctuality
- behaviour management and anti bullying policy
Mrs H. Mitchell is the Delegated Senior Lead (DSL) for Safeguarding in our school. Miss Hunt and Mrs Whitefield are Alternative Designated Safeguarding Leaders.
A copy of our school policies for safeguarding can be found below or on display in the school foyer. There is also a list of staff training and contact telephone numbers should you wish to contact a helpline or the Local Authority.
The Norfolk Safeguarding Children BoardA short film which highlights the roles schools and adults play in keeping children safe can be viewed here:
From January 2017 the school has been linked to Operation Encompass – this is a Norfolk joint agency protocol for domestic abuse and will provide schools who have signed up with notifications.